It's soooooooooooooooooo cold. It's hard to believe it's Thursday. Tomorrow is another Friday Rants! What topic should I talk about? If you haven't noticed, I'm a very opinionated person :p & don't forget to send me your one-shots and votes!
They say that when you dream of someone, that someone is thinking of you... What if that someone doesn't even know you exist?
"What are we going to do?" I asked. Mikey stepped forward then, with a smile on his face. "There's a carnival downtown," he said. Carnivals were always fun. "Let's go," I smiled. I grabbed a light sweatshirt out of my bag and slipped it onto my body. I walked outo f the house with my hand in Mikey's. Carl said he would just drive us, drop us off and pick us up later. Carl was nicer than I expected for some reason. The carnival was right near the beach, lit up with string lights and paper lanterns. Clowns on stilts walked around, towering over us. There were multiple tents that concealed hidden things. "Where to first?" Mikey asked. I smiled uncontrollably. "Cotton Candy," I smiled. We weaved through the multiple people having their own fun and got in line for Cotton Candy. "You know there is nothing as sweet as you," Mikey smiled. "Oh, stop it!" I batted at him playfully. The attendent handed us our Cotton Candy and we picked at it slowly. "Hey, look," I said. "There's a fortune teller," I said. A lone lady sat in a booth concealed with flowing purple curtains. "Let's go," Mikey smiled. We jogged over to the lady gazing into her crystal ball. "You should go first," I said. Mikey smiled and disappeared behind the curtains. I heard their muffled voices behind the curtains but couldn't make anything. Then, suddenly, the curtains flew back, revealing Mikey. "What did she say?" I asked. "She said that I had a bright future and to hold onto what I had. But there would be rocky times too," he said. Rocky times? Was she referring to me? "Well, go get 'em," he teased. He pushed me through the deep curtains and I faced the fortune teller. "Come closer, darling," she hissed. She was an older lady and her face wad ridden with wrinkles. "Lay your hand on the ball," she instructed. I did as she said, and she left me like that for a few seconds. Then she smacked my hand away. She drew in a short breath as she gazed into the crystal ball. "Your future is dark. There will be many obstacles that you think you can't defeat. But you have to find the strength in your heart," she said. A lump formed in my throat. This was just great. Why did I agree to get my fortune read? Worst idea ever. I fled the tent and ran past Mikey despite his calls. I ran out of the fairgrounds and ended up sitting on a bench overlooking the waves. I kept myself from crying long enough until Mikey arrived shortly after. "What happened?" He asked. His face was alarmed and he cradled me in his arms. He numerously kept kissing my forehead, my cheeks. "She told me my future was dark and bad things were coming," I told him. "Trust me, Nevaeh, things like that don't even work," he said. I looked at him and smiled. "I guess you're right," I said. He nodded and kissed me. His kisses could always make me feel better. "Let's get home," he said. I just wanted to curl up under a comfy, warm blanket with Mikey and watch endless movies. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and phoned his father to come pick us up. "How 'bout we make a cake when we get home?" He asked. "I'd like that," I smiled, and kissed him.
For Me, Please; Ch. 16 Pt. 2