(January 25, 2012) In State of the Union address largely devoted to American economy, US president trumpets "ironclad commitment" to Israel's security; says Syria's Assad will discover that "forces of change cannot be reversed. The United States is determined to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and will take "no options off the table" to achieve that goal, US President Barack Obama warned in his State of the Union address on Tuesday.Obama said a peaceful resolution of the Iran nuclear dispute is still possible if Iran changes course and meets internationalobligations .(This wont happen so it will lead to Psalms 83 War/ World War 3)
Israel, Gods chosen people is the true time piece in our Lords return (RAPTURE) The hostilty of Palestine runs red over Israel there bordering neighbor over making Palstine a state by dividing Israel by either taking the West Bank or going back to the 1967 borders.These 2 countries conjoining Peace Treaty expires this month with no signs of being revived; but by the coming antichrist just as it was foretold in the Book of Revelation.
You can clearly see from all the world news articles & videos; on a daily basis in reguards to Bible Prophecy; the world is intertwinded in global chaos in reguards to massive natural historic events such as Massive Solar Flares, Comets, Astroids, earthquakes, tornados, violent storms, flooding, volcano eruptions, Heat waves & ect..... We see the massive dying off of the thousands of Animal & ocean species all around the world just as God told us in the Book of Isaiah; that would happen right before the remaining 7 years of Tribulation; also called the Days of Sorrow. God is putting a sign in front of our faces saying "WAKE UP!! (ARE YOU LISTENING?)
The (Psalms 83 War) between Iran & Israel is esculating over Irans Nuclear Program which we call World War 3; and can erupt any day now without hesitation, especialy with the Collaboration of the tensions between the US & Iran that has come to a climax over the blocking of the worlds oil passage; the Straits of Hormuz. You can clearly see as well; that the United Nations is on the verge of military intervention with Syria (Damascus) just as it was foretold in (Isaiah 17:1) "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap."
The magor & most important factor is that our intertwined global economy is hanging on by a thread & is on the brink of collapse. You can see it with all the news pertaining to Europe with there decaying Euro which is intertwined with the worlds economy as a whole.You can also see it with the unrest & mass rioting going on in all the nations of the world; against the goverments seeking reformation. Our money is about to be worthless and also ties into the ushering in of the New World Order & the "Mark of the Beast" which is already being implemented with RFID Chips & the goverments advanced technology.
Thats why Jesus says in (Luke 21:28) "When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption (Rapture) draweth nigh." Thats why also Jesus says in (Luke 21:36) "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape (Rapture) all these things that shall come to pass(the horiffic Tribulation period), and to stand before the Son of man."
There is nothing in reguards to Bible Prophecy that has to fullfil in order for the Lord to Rapture his Bride (True Christians) & the remaining Days of Sorrow to begin. So, that's why I come to you today & tell you the time is now! I beg you to please open your eyes, repent of your sins & seek the Lord today before it's too late! God Bless, Jason
Obama says US determined to prevent nuclear-armed Iran (Are you ready for World War 3?)