To the Government of the United States of America:
Greetings. We are Anonymous. We have been listening to your confused ranting about us. You are sometimes dismissive and sometimes paranoid, but almost always you seem to have misunderstood the nature of Anonymous and continue to perpetuate your misinformation. We are taking it upon ourselves to give this moment of our time to correct your misconceptions.
One of the most basic laws of the universe is that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
You try to choke out privacy, free speech, basic liberties. You drain money from those who earn it and distribute it to those who do not, through cronyism, unjustified wars, and other iniquitous means. You use your power to force obedience and impose your prejudices on society by means of a cruel and calculatively brutish system of law enforcement and a corrupt judicial system. You crush the populace under your heel, systematically incarcerating unpopular racial and social minorities for profit. You circulate your rancor and greed all over the world, exploiting the poor and desperate, demonizing or destroying by force any government or organization that works against your economic interests.
Anonymous is nothing less and nothing more than the inevitable consequence of your actions.
You seek to dismantle our organization. This is a lulzable demonstration of ignorance, because we are not an organization.
An organization can be targeted. While a few individuals who make careless mistakes may be found and persecuted, Anonymous cannot be targeted. This is because Anonymous is Legion. To put this in words that children like you can understand, our numbers cannot be counted. And with each attempted strike against us our ranks increase.
It is difficult for you to even capture a few of us. You have no hope of ever stopping all of us.
Unlike us, you are an organization. You can be targeted. If you wish to survive as an organization, you must come to the understanding that Anonymous is invincible, and put away your foolish, hopeless plans to somehow vanquish us.
To survive as an organization you must come to understand that with each act of aggression toward the freedom of information, the freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly—Anonymous will launch a counteroffensive. As you grow more restrictive, we will grow more ruthless. With all our strength, we will stand united against you to defend our natural rights as human beings.
Because you spy on us, we spy on you.
Because you try to silence our voices, we will also disrupt your ability to communicate.
Because you operate outside of the law to attack us, we will operate outside of the law to attack you.
So this bothers you?
You can dish it out, but you can't take it?
Tough shit. You earned this.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
We sincerely hope that you enjoy the taste of your own medicine.
A Science Lesson, Courtesy of Anonymous