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Miley; -Unpacking her stuff into the closet- Ryan; -Setting up his stuff on the other side of the closet- Do you think Selena and Justin like each other? Miley; Why? -Hangs up another shirt- Ryan; They just look like they do. Miley; -Shrugs- Maybe. Ryan; -Looks over at Miley- Ahhh, is that a super bouncy ball?! Miley; -Smirks and throws it against the ground, it bounces back and hits the wall, she catches it- You jealous? Ryan; HELL YEAH! I've been wanting one! Throw it! Miley; What if we break something? Ryan; We'll blame it on Christian. -Shrugs- It's what i've been doing my whole life. Miley; -Giggles- Lets play wall ball! Ryan; You're on, CYRUS. -Grabs the ball and throws it against the wall- Miley; -Gets hit and can't catch it, runs and touches the wall- SAFE! Ryan; -Throws the ball again- Miley; -Catches it and throws the ball at the wall- Ryan; -Dodges it and smirks at Miley- Nice try. Selena; -Hearing banging against the wall- What the hell is that? Justin; Probably just Miley and Ryan. -Unpacking his shoes- Selena; -Eyes get wide- Justin; -Realizes what he just said and thinks about it- Yeah, man! GET SOME. Selena; -Glares at Justin- Justin; What? -Smiles innocently- Selena; Miley isn't like that. Justin; -Hears Miley say "Ryan, not so hard, are you trying to kill me?!" Starts dying laughing- Selena; -Makes a fake gagging sound- Ew. Justin; -Still laughing- Selena; Whats so funny? Justin; Your facial expressions are priceless! Selena; -Throws a pillow at Justin- Demi; -Bursts through the door with Christian- Do you guys hear that?! Justin; Yeah, sounds like Ryan is getting some! Christian; -High fives Justin- Nice one, man! Demi; -Looks at them- Selena; Guys! Demi; You guys are idiots. Selena; Sick minded. Justin; It's nature, Shawty. Christian; Yeah, we just go along with nature... -Looks around- Miley; -Walks in holding the bouncy ball- I so beat you! Ryan; I'm too quick for you! -Walks in behind Miley- Everyone; -Looks at them- Selena; Have fun? Miley; What? And why are you guys staring? Justin; -Walks up to Ryan and high fives him- I'm proud, bro! Ryan; -Confused- Thanks? Selena; Miley! Demi; Did you have sex?! Miley; -Starts laughing loudly- WHAT?! Christian; We heard you guys, damn. Sounded rough. Demi; -Looks at Christian, disgusted.- Ryan; -Mutters- I wish. Miley; -Stops laughing and looks at ryan then to the rest- No way. Justin; I take back what I said... and my high five. Selena; Then what were we hearing. -Puts her hands on her hips- Miley; We were playing with my new super bouncy ball. Ryan; Yeah we were playing wall ball.

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