Agneepath was able to collect 1.5 crore more than Friday. This jump is not good enough for a film this big. Below are the Saturday figures with Friday numbers in brackets. All figures in lakhs. * Mumbai - 493 (434) * Delhi/UP - 221 (188) * East Punjab - 93 (76) * West Bengal - 70 (40) * Bihar - 22 (22) * Assam/Orissa - 20 (20) * CP Berar - 60 (66) * CI - 45 (44) * Rajasthan - 66 (60) * Nizam - 70 (68) * Mysore - 82 (55) * TNK - 20 (19) * TOTAL - 1262 (1092) 1st Day : 22.65 2nd Day : 11 3rd Day : 12.6 Total : 46.30 One DayAvg: 15.43