An exclusive filmed interview with Terri Roberts, mother of Amish schoolhouse shooter Charles Roberts, will be screened at Lifetree Café. Visit to find a location near you. On October 2, 2006, Charles Roberts backed his truck up to the entrance of the West Nickel Mines School in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He barricaded himself inside and shot 10 young Amish girls. Five died. Roberts killed himself before police could enter the one-room schoolhouse. Roberts' mother, who was working nearby at the time of the shootings, was embraced by the Amish community. Amish members stunned observers when they openly forgave the killer and his family. The Roberts family is not Amish. Participants at this program, titled "Amazing Grace," will experience never-before-seen footage and hear from Roberts, who still lives among the families of the girls her son murdered. "The trauma, pain, and shame endured by this mother turned into an incredible picture of forgiveness and grace," said Lifetree's Thom Schultz, who conducted the exclusive interview with Roberts. Admission to the 60-minute event is free. Snacks and beverages are available. Find the Lifetree Café nearest you by clicking Lifetree Café is a place where people gather for conversations about life and faith in a casual coffeehouse-type setting. More about Lifetree may be found at our website