Twitter: Google+: RSS Feed: Facebook: Empire Avenue: Today Google released Chrome For Android beta finally bringing their popular desktop browser to the mobile arena. Currently is only available for Android 4.0 ICS devices so not many will be able to run it now but that will change soon with more Android 4.0 devices coming out and older devices being updated. Google will also be separately developing Chrome For Android separate from the standard Android browser but I'm sure it won't be too long before these two merge together into one. Since it's a beta we won't give it a full official review but I'll point out some of the key features from the beta that I like. Familiar Interface - If you have used Chrome before then Chrome For Android will look very familiar to you. The colors and the main page layout look very similar to what you see on the desktop version of Chrome. Fast Page Loading and Rendering - Pages load fast and accurately. I didn't see many checkerboard waiting for the page to load up. Smooth scrolling and smooth pinch & zoom - Two key features of any mobile browser is how smooth is scrolling and pinch & zoom. This is best I've seen and android based browser do with both. I didn't t see any lag or stuttering. Chrome Desktop & Mobile Syncing - This is great feature as you are able to sync all of your bookmarks between both your desktop and phone. there is also a separate section for mobile bookmarks as well. The best part of it is tab syncing which will let you see a list of tabs that are open on your desktop and let you access these tabs on the so you can take that cool webpage you just found with you on the go. Hopefully the syncing will include to extensions as well. Tabbed Browsing - While this is nothing new to mobile browsers I do like the way Chrome for Android does it. When you hit the tab icon you will see each open tab with an image of the contents within that tab. You can control how far the tabs stack on top of each other and there is a really cool animation for when you close a tab fully. There are many other features that we didn't list here as I wanted to focus on the ones I felt were key. For a beta this is solid and I would recommend every users with an Android 4.0 device to download and give it a try. Google did very well with their first web browser so there isn't any reason not to expect them to excel in the mobile web browser space too.