If you are wondering what yester years' diva and Beauty Queen Saira Banu is doing these days here's the news. She is celebrating the success of her first film production Ab Ta Banja Sajanwa Hamar in Bhojpuri which has become one of the biggest hits in the language in Bihar and UP and is awaiting release in Mumbai. The Ravi Kissan-Naghma-Mona Thiba starrer is an emotion-packed family drama with 10 hit songs beautifully picturised on gorgeous locations in India. The curious question making the rounds is: Why a Bhojpuri film as the first venture? Saira Banu's candid answer is that she has loved the language, ever since a dialect similar to Bhojpuri was spoken by her illustrious husband Dilip Kumar in Ganga Jamuna, the splendid 'Sixties classic. Ab ta Bhojpuri ki laaj aur bad gayi!