Believe me The first step on the journey to success is belief Arizona's John McLelland has strong beliefs — but they haven't always been the same. He used to wear a T-shirt that read, "Multi-level is of the devil." But being the wise businessman John is, he was open to ideas that challenged his belief system. After a wildly successful career in sales, John heard Blake Roney, Steve Lund and Sandie Tillotson in 1989 share their vision for Nu Skin. "It wasn't hard to feel that I could join them and be part of something special," John says. "It takes someone you like, trust or respect to ask you to take a closer look. And when I did, I recognized and believed in the opportunity." John had been raised to see possibilities and to believe in himself. John's parents married when they were 16, and he felt like he was raised by energetic teenagers. "My dad would incentivize me to do a perfect job on the lawn and we would talk about what a perfect job would look like including how I would feel afterward," John remembers. "I've never forgotten what it's like to have my dad say, "That's perfect. There's not one thing you could have done better in the yard." John's entrepreneurial side was groomed as he watched his father start and build a successful landscaping business. John attended college for one semester before realizing he didn't fit in with his studious classmates. Always one for due diligence, John interviewed his professors and other professionals about the business world and determined that his future would be in sales and marketing. "I set a crazy goal of finding the highest paid sales job in Utah — but I had no experience," John says. That didn't stop him because he expected to accomplish his goals — he's a believer. He had a series of sales jobs that enabled him to travel the world and provide a comfortable life for his wife and six children. In 1989, he planned to retire for the foreseeable future. Five months later, he was introduced to Nu Skin. "Entrepreneurial insomnia hit me when I learned of Nu Skin, and I would lie awake at night asking myself if I could do it, if I would enjoy it and if it would be worth it," he says. One aspect that swayed John in the Nu Skin direction was the possibility of mentoring and leading thousands in his downline. "I believe in modeling and mentoring and I had done it for a small number in my previous industry," he says. "But the thought of having 50,000 people on my team was incredible to me. The key to success is mentors, and then we personalize the information and make it our own. Success does have a roadmap. No question." John's route to success has been paved largely with belief and vision — but not only about the end goal. "I realized early on that the journey is the reward, so I don't focus on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow," he says. "At the same time, what you believe determines what you will achieve. Your beliefs can either help you or hinder you." John believes that believing is the first step in the journey. Belief in the industry. Belief in the company. Belief in the products. Belief in yourself. "A real turning point for me was when I gained total belief and understanding of Nu Skin's science and innovation strategies," he says. "When I hit the point where it made sense to me and I could connect the dots, I became passionate about mentoring others to believe as I did. I put the pedal to the metal because of my total belief." The passion has also helped John through a battle with spinal meningitis and valley fever. He has fought the condition with the same zeal he brings to business, which allowed him to visit Malawi in 2011 for the first time and see first-hand the difference Nu Skin is making through Nourish the Children. "It was without question one of those moments where I believed — I knew — that I was in the right place with Nu Skin," he says. "I just know that what I'm doing is worth it."