UNIVERSITY PROVIDES MUSLIM FOOTBATHS BUT WON'T ALLOW CHRISTMAS MUSIC NEARBY & OTHER INEQUITIES TOWARDS CHRISTIANITY IN AMERICA: "...politically correct melting pot? Imagine walking through Macy's and hearing, "Silver bells, n the city. Ring-a-ling, soon it will be Eid al-Fitr." knows it's a Christmas tree. No one is being fooled. Those afraid to mouth the word "Christmas," ... appear foolish. Michigan-Dearborn has installed footbaths for Muslim students, as have a dozen other universities. Minnesota has installed footbaths, but the coffee cart's Christmas music has been turned off as a violation of church and state and, perhaps, insulting to those taking a many non-Muslim students are in need of a footbath five times a day....that their religion needs to be scrutinized for constitutional violations. Christmas trees are an affront, but the pre- sunrise call to prayer that blasts nearby residents from sleep is emblematic of religious tolerance . When our ancestors came here as immigrants, they knew it was a Christian country, not by establishment, but by custom and tradition. When they voluntarily changed geography, they also changed history, and with that, they acquired a new set of cultura expectations Increasingly, we see groups of immigrants who also yearn to come to America but do not desire to become Americans. They seek not just accommodation but privilege to impose the culture, politics, law, and religion of the places they left behind on the rest of us. They seek rights for their faith and restriction on the faith of the majority. They bemoan Christmas closings as a violation of church and state and decry the presence of Christian symbols in the public square, even though the Supreme Court has upheld the public display of Christmas trees and even nativity scenes — when appropriately done — as part of our secular and cultural heritage The word "Christmas" has nearly become taboo. Non-denominational prayer in school, even a moment of silence, is prohibited. There are also a variety of activist organizations that will rush to court at the slightest hint of prayer in school, Christian prayer in school that is. Yet school systems have created space for Muslim prayers, and in Wellesley, Massachusetts, one school transported students to the Roxbury mosque, where they prayed in gender-segregated rooms. In the Bryon Union School District in California, students ived and prayed as Muslims for three weeks, and none of the usual civil liberties organizations raised an objection. The program eventually challenged by the Thomas Moore Legal Center, was upheld by the liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The United States Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of the appellate court's decision. Nearly everyone knows that if students were living and praying as Christians, the appellate court would have come to a much different decision Such prejudicial attitudes do not pave the way for a more tolerant and inclusive society, but they do give rise to resentment and outrage that invariably lead to an organized mass movement. Mobilized to defend a majority culture under attack, that kind of movement, once unleashed, will gravitate toward the extremes. So, when you see the symbols of Christmas in the public square, remember those are the symbols of people who, in this country created a unique religious tolerance, people who refused to permit government to establish a religion, and people who extended that tolerance to other religions and even to.."