'BHAKTI PANTHA'- A charitable religious trust founded by His Holiness YOGESHWARA SRI KRISHNA GURUJI & POOJYA SRIMAATA on 22-8-2000, the day of Gokulashtami (JANMASHTAMI) & Sri Krishna Jayanthi. YSK GURUJI, a fondly called 'APPA'(Holy Father) is a spiritual master & renowned 'SHAKTI PAATH HEALER'. His disciples consider him with deep faith as re-incarnation of SRI RAMAKRISHNA PARAMAHAMSA & SRI SAMARTHA RAMADAS, the well known spiritual masters of West Bengal & Sajjangad of Maharashtra respectively.His devoted followers firmly beleive he has taken birth to rejuvenate 'BHAKTI MOVEMENT' & propagation of SRIMAD BHAGAVADGITA in its true spirit as revealed to him in his deep meditations by LORD SRI KRISHNA HIMSELF. Many devotees have had darshan of Guruji in the form of various Gods & Goddesses,ishta devatas (personal deities) as well as Gurus. The literature of Bhakti pantha consists of more than 2500 pages of devotional songs,bhajans,inspiring life histories of famous devotees like MEERA BAI,Bhakta PRAHLADA,SHABARI's Gurubhakthi,entire RAMAYANA,Bhagavatha dashamaskanda,Bhakta Ambarisha etc Essence of Bhagavadgita have been composed into devotional songs sung in famous & melodious filmy tunes. Crores of Bhagavadgita CDs along with books are freely distributed across the world for self learning of Gita chanting. Thousands of SATSANGS have been conducted through out India till date & more to come in future on request by devotees. Bhajans in Kannada,Hindi & sanskrit have been very popular & appreciated by all cutting across language barriers. Books & pamphlets printed in kannada & english as also various articles published in leading kannada dailies & weeklies have drawn the attention of masses & scholars alike. BHAKTI PANTHA teaches simple techniques of worshipping Gods & Goddesses according to one's religious practices & faiths of all religions. simple meditations & mantra japa can lead to SELF & GOD realisation. SHAKTI PAATH initiation of YSK Guruji has been found highly effective in healing many incurable & cronic illnesses & accelerated SPIRITUAL PROGRESS (FAST TRACK SPIRITUAL SAADHANA)of innumerable disciples. JAI SRI KRISHNA JAI GURUDEV